A type of legume, peas grow inside long, plump pods. As is the case with all types of legume, their sugars start to turn to starch as shortly after they're picked, so they are best eaten just-picked. Frozen peas are put on ice very soon after being picked (within three hours) and the flavour can be superior to that of fresh peas harvested a couple of days previously.
Just three heaped tablespoons of peas will count as one of your five-a-day - and can easily be hidden in children's food too, to help them eat their veg.
All year round when frozen, but fresh peas are at their peak from May to November.
Choose the best
Look for plump, bright green pods, with little discolouration,yellowing or wilting.
Peas don't have a very long shelf-life - they'll last in your salad drawer for a couple of days.
Just pod and go! 'Pop' the end of the pod that's furthest from the stalk, then use your thumb to sweep out the peas in one go.